FGV Energia becomes part of the Strategic Committee of the Program Rio Capital of Energy of the State Government of Rio de Janeiro

The State Government of Rio de Janeiro officialized the inclusion of five new partners in the Strategic Committee of Program Rio - Capital of Energy this week. Getúlio Vargas Foundation, through FGV Energia, now integrates this important Committee presided by the governor Sérgio Cabral and that counts on the participation of the main companies and institutions acting in the State’s power sector.

Created from a decree signed by the Governor Sérgio Cabral in September, 2011, the main goal of the program is to mobilize the society and concentrate resources around the energy sector, turning Rio de Janeiro a global reference in rationalization, technology innovation and environmental sustainability in the power sector.

The development of the program and the technical committee are coordinated by Maria Paula Martins, subordinated to the Economic Development, Energy, Industry and Services Bureau.