Attending Doctor’s in Operating Research and Master in Production Engineering by COPPE/UFRJ. Undergraduate in Production Engineering by Universidade Federal Fluminense, with 15 years of experience in operations management, optimization of production systems and organizational strategic planning. As Superintendent of FGV Network of Associated, he worked managing the operation of executive courses and Lato Sensu Postgraduate. Coordinator for Planning and Production Control in charge for the Richards manufacturing plant construction project, in partnership with the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro to develop the Sul Fluminense Productive Arrangement. In 7 years of experience as Engineer in Strategic Relationship of the Electric System National Operator - ONS, developed automation projects to follow the integration of Generation and Transmission to the National Interconnected System - SIN ventures, integration of operation control systems and of the relationship management model with agents from the power sector. His research interests include Quantitative Methods applied to Energetic Planning, Power Economy and Network Industries.