Launching of Distributed Energy Resources Booklet

On June 15, FGV Energia conducted the launching of Distributed Energy Resources Booklet debate with the purpose of promoting a discussion on such resources, and how its inclusion may change the Brazilian power sector, in FGV - Getúlio Vargas Foundation headquarters.
The motivation to study REDs arises from recent events in the national and international scenarios. In Brazil, SEB is undergoing a period deepening the discussion on trade off between environmental concern and energy safety. With a reduced capacity of regulating reservoirs and consequent, almost continuous, flow of power plants since 2012, the search for energy solutions capable of diversifying the Brazilian matrix in a safe and clean way became a key challenge in the scope of national energy policies.
In the global scenario, the signing of the Paris Agreement in the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21), on December, 2015, strengthens the need to further discuss cleaner energy sources in Brazil. In addition, the growing change in power consumers’ behavior in all countries points to a new global trend in power demand, which will arrive in Brazil sooner or later. Consumers, a passive agent in the power sector model before, has been showing an increasingly active behavior in the way they demand power and in relation to the services they can extract from power consumption. Technology advancements, especially on the demand side, have an important role in this consumers behavioral change.
Such global and national trends, in addition to SEB peculiarities - predominantly hydroelectric generation and of large size, centralized operation and integrated transmission system basically all over the country - point to the importance of a more effective inclusion in the planning of other energy resources available. The Distributed Energy Resources stand out among these resources.
2PM - Opening and Contextualization - Presentation material
2:30PM Panel 1: Economic and regulatory aspects to include RED in the power matrix
Ricardo Gorini - EPE
Nelson Leite - ABRADEE - Presentation material
Rodrigo D'Elia – AES
Moderator: Lavinia Hollanda - FGV Energia
3:30PM - Panel 2: Technology for RED development
Leontina Pinto – Engenho Consultoria
Alexandre da Silva – GE Global Research
Moderator: Tatiana Bruce da Silva (FGV Energia)
4:30PM - Panel 3: Financing and incentives for RED development
Daniel Vieira – ANEEL
Gustavo Pimentel – SITAWI Finanças do Bem
Moderator: Paulo Cunha - FGV Energia
5:30PM Closing